Finished Crochet Wedding Blanket!

I finally finished the crochet wedding blanket! I am actually really pleased with how it turned out, I think it just looks so bright and sunny! 


I was heading to a friends birthday tea and knew the bride and groom would be there after their honeymoon so I decided to bring it along with me, as well as a sunflower and homemade red velvet cake for the birthday girl. 


All gifts were greatly appreciated and a lovely day was had by all. What better way to spend a Sunday than with great friends and lovely food!


Finally…A New Dressmaking Project!

In the whirlwind that was moving house and redecorating my crafty projects were put to the side for a significant amount of time! Now that we’re moved and settled (bar a few finishing touches) I’ve been able to indulge my brand new craft space. I’ve never had a whole area I can call my own to work in before, it’s always been a corner of the living room, which isn’t ideal if there is anybody else around. The first this I decided to do was get back  into a bit of dressmaking. 

This was partly a necessity as I’ve a wedding coming up and was so disappointed with what was on offer in the shops…too short, too many frills, no sleeves, wrong colours, cost a small fortune, the list goes on. All I wanted for the wedding was a simple dress in a vibrant summery colour, it had to be a decent length (I want to feel like I can sit down without flashing the world), it also had to have sleeves (I didn’t want to have to bring an extra cover up, or worse…show my arms!). 

So my only option was to raid my vintage pattern selection and my fabric stash. I picked a turquoise blue lawn and this pattern;1960s VINTAGE pattern Simplicity 7045 size 14 bust 34 misses one piece dress Mad Men

I loved the sleeves in option 1 so decided on that with a remnant of psychedelic fabric I picked up years ago! Buying the pattern, fabrics and notions so long ago was beginning to make this dress feel like a freebie! 

I can be quite impatient when I’m dressmaking, cutting a bit too roughly, not pinning and tacking properly but this time I decided to do everything by the book and I’m so happy I did….I love the finished product, what do you think?



I am considering adding a contrasting collar, in the same fabric as the lining of the sleeves…all time dependent though!

Pinterest Picks #9

My first Pinterest Picks of 2013. There is no real theme to these picks, other than they are things I’ve made/taken inspiration from recently.

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This cranberry curd featured among the gifts I gave away this Christmas, although I did change the recipe a wee bit to make the curd set a bit more solid it tasted delicious and I’ve had some lovely comments about it.

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Taking inspiration from these wee jar cosies I made some of my own tealight cosies. I’ll get some pictures and the crochet pattern up on here soon.

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And this year I have another wedding to go to and so another crochet blanket to make. I’m currently trying to decide on a design but I love the edging on this one so I think no matter what design I go for this edging will feature.

And there we have my first picks of 2013!


Take a Look Tuesday

Just a quick one for today but I wanted to share this photographer with you all. Rachel Keenan is a young photographer based in Glasgow and her pictures are absolutely stunning. Please check her out here.


Further to the last post, I have been working away on my gifts for my friends’ wedding. I have procrastinated a lot not made great progress. So far I have a 1/4 finished blanket and a few ideas for the card.  This is what I want to write about today. I’ve had a few ideas of card designs and I need some opinions on them! The couple are very into music and vintage design (in particular, that of the 1960s). So these are the ideas I have had for images to put on the card. Both are drawn using Stabilo point 88 fineliners.

Idea 1 is a picture of the couple. I’ve done it in green here but really it could be any colour.


The other option was a more abstract psychedelic image with just the date of the wedding and their names. My main issue with this is does it look more like a doodle than a wedding gift/card?

This is unfinished but you get the picture (boom boom!).

If either of these images were usable I’d mount them on a white card.

HELP! I’ve spent so long looking at these drawings that I can’t tell if they are usable or not. My bf  is far too polite to say anything is wrong with them so I need some honest opinions, are either usable or should I quit this and buy a card. I can’t spend too much more time on the card as the blanket is so far from finished!