
After a very sad family time I was perked up by making my first Etsy sale! I didn’t expect this moment to be quite as exciting as it was but I was over the moon to think that somebody would pay money for something I made! I was beginning to get a bit downheartened that nothing was selling but this has re-energised me and I can’t wait for the next sale. I have a feeling this crafting thing is addictive! It should come with a warning!

Crochet Rose Rings- Blue, Gray, Green, Red, Orange. Handmade, FREE UK POSTAGERed, White and Gingham Love Heart Brooch. FREE UK POSTAGE


I don’t know what it is about toadstools but I just love them. Maybe it’s the vibrant colours or maybe it’s the slightly magical, fairytale connotations. I’ve always had a bit of a love affair with them anyway.

Last year I made a toadstool brooch for myself and I have had so many lovely comments from people about it. I decided to make a few more, and have put them onto my Etsy site. Let me know what you think. Xx

Riddle Me Ree


I’ve been continuing with my felt brooches. I particularly liked this one. The colour way is really vibrant and the pinked edges remind me of a postage stamp. I can’t decide whether to keep it or put it on etsy. Maybe I’ll make some more.