
After a very sad family time I was perked up by making my first Etsy sale! I didn’t expect this moment to be quite as exciting as it was but I was over the moon to think that somebody would pay money for something I made! I was beginning to get a bit downheartened that nothing was selling but this has re-energised me and I can’t wait for the next sale. I have a feeling this crafting thing is addictive! It should come with a warning!

Crochet Rose Rings- Blue, Gray, Green, Red, Orange. Handmade, FREE UK POSTAGERed, White and Gingham Love Heart Brooch. FREE UK POSTAGE

4 thoughts on “Sales!

  1. Sarah, Just started reading your blog and I completely understand about having sales on etsy. Every time I sell something there it’s like a gift for me! I sell a lot of my jewelry at art and craft fairs but not a lot on etsy. So, each sale is so special. I love getting the item ready for shipping, too. I see it as part of what the buyer has purchased and always make sure my item is wrapped and embellished creatively. Recently I’ve started really going all out on decorating my shipping packages, too. I recycle shipping packages to help our earth and I’ve always done some creative covering up of old labels, etc. But, I saw some photos on Flickr from the Writer’s Alliance and it urged me to really decorate the whole package. I’ll be posting some pics on my blog if you want to see. Anyway, just wanted to let you know that the joy of selling on etsy never stops šŸ™‚ And, it’s such a great community overall…I love have conversations with other etsy sellers, especially folks who create things. I’ll look up your shop, too. Best of luck to you with your shop! Peace to your heart, Sara

    • Thank you so much for your kind words! I am looking forward to what the future holds very much! I know what you mean about making the packaging look great. I really enjoyed making the parcel look exciting! Thank you again, Sarah

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